CSV is a simple text data format. The data is stored as text and each value is separated by comma (or other field delimiter). Data in this format can be easily processed by third party software. Choose this file format if you plan further data processing.

New Data Storage

To capture data in CSV you need to:

  1. Open Agent or Extractor for editing.

  2. Click Export in the toolbar.

New Export - Toolbar

  1. Select CSV/Text format.

New CSV - Datastorage

  1. Configure CSV data storage properties and add/remove necessary fields.

New CSV - Configure

You can edit some properties of CSV data storage:

  • Name - unique name of the data storage
  • File - output file path. By default output file name is generated based on project name and default project location
  • Append - append data to file if it is already exists
  • Write Header - writer header row this column titles. These titles are based on the fields' names
  • Separator - value separator
  • Encoding - text file encoding

Created data storage will be added into the current Agent or Extractor and available in the project view.

Datastorage - Project View

Edit Existing

You can easily edit existing data source to add/remove fields, change fields names. To edit data storage you need to open Agent or Extractor editor where it belongs. Select Export vertical tab and adjust CSV data storage properties.

Datastorage - Edit